
It's been awhile

I have a feeling many of my future blogs (and possibly past blogs, too...I didn't check) are apt to have this title. I knew it had been some time since I'd last written, but I didn't think it'd been almost a month. Time flies when you're having fun, but also apparently when you're just living life day by day.
I leave for Australia in five days. I am, to say the very least, completely thrilled. At this point, it's more of a necessity than a blessing. It's been a year since I've been out of the country (I don't count Mexico) and I can feel it in my travel-bug riddled bones. Also seven months without having seen P and K isn't too long; however, the more frequent our visits get, the more frequent I want them to be. Honestly I may just shock them both and move to Oz and ruin their lives forever.
It's been a relaxing couple weeks here. Nothing really new. The Gathering Genius stuff will officially be over on Saturday (and not a day too soon). N taking over everything at Primary Image is a great relief because now I can come and go and enjoy it and not worry about leaving M and B hanging when I gallivant off to weird places. Manogue volleyball is going well---I wish I were as serious and committed as KJ and J...I am a bit of an outcast that way I think. But it's still a great learning experience and I hope I can pass off some knowledge to the girls and help them improve.
The nagging feeling of "what next" is becoming familiar. Like a dull toothache. You know the feeling is always there...a little ibuprofen makes it go away for a little while, but you know it will be there when you wake up the next morning. You hope for it to work itself out miraculously disappear one day...but you realize that you have to see someone and take the step to solving it before it will get any better. Unfortunately, no doctor or dentist can solve this problem for me. It's a big life-changing decision. Grad school? Career? Travel? Reno? Elsewhere? Boyfriend? Family? Arg.
I got my GRE textbooks to start studying, and have spent a grand total of probably 5 hours researching grad programs online. I have yet to feel a tug to reassure me that it's the right thing to do. I may never feel a tug though...there may never be an external signal of assurance that I've made a good decision. I just have to take the leap.
Now that G2 is over, though, the thought of not having a steady income is enough to scare the pants off anyone. I have some savings, but it's definitely not much and using it as rent money is not exactly what I've envisioned doing with it. I gotta get on Craigslist and see if anyone's looking to pay someone like me for writing, reading, 'rithmetic, whatever.
In the meantime, I only have four more workouts before I leave for Oz. No results as of yet that I can see. B tells me he can see/feel a difference, but I'm pretty sure he has to say that. All I really care about right now is that I feel better. A ton better. I may actually wear a swimsuit when I go snorkeling in Australia...

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