
There's no place like Oz...

I can't believe that I'm spending time on a computer while I'm in Brisbane, but I think there's something to be said for writing about something while you're in the thich of a situation. There's nothing more frustrating that trying to recreate a feeling that you had in a place once you're out of it. It just doesn't work. That's my justification and I'm sticking to it. So what if I checked warfish and facebook?

My visit so far has been perfect. Relaxed to the max. I arrived Wednesday morning at about 11 a.m., after nearly 24 hours or travel from San Fran-->Sydney-->Brisbane. I was pretty tuckered on the cab ride to New Farm...so much so that I hardly perked up when the jovial Indian guy started pointing out all the good restaurants and nightclubs.

I found the keys that P had left for me and immediately settled into their apartment. It's adorable, a little studio in a perfect location with full bath, kitchen and dark hardwood floors. The vaulted ceilings and white paint give it a roomy feel, plus all the light doesn't hurt either. I grabbed a bite to eat, showered and took a nap. Parisa got home from work at about 6 p.m., and we immediately set to work catching up. It's an automatic routine with us...hug hello, quick chit chat about the flight etc., then before we know it we dive in and completely purge ourselves of all or most of the dirty secrets we've hidden from the world since our previous visit.

Mom asked me on the way down to San Fran what I most enjoy about my friendship with P. I told her that I enjoy our conversation because there's no bullshit. Parisa literally knows everything about me: my dirty habits, my nasty and ugly tendencies, my faults and fears. And she still wants to be friends.

So after about an hour of exhaustive conversation, we took a walk to Brunswick St. to get some pizzas. Kolya got home shortly after we did. His energy is ridiculous. The way he smiles when he talks about things, especially their new life in Australia, is completely contagious. I swear, if he was into it, he could get me excited about poking splintered pieces of wood under my fingernails. He is kicking ass with a sales and marketing team....a face-to-face salesman knocking on people's doors and spreading awareness about cheap, clean energy. It's pretty much a perfect job for him---evidenced by his big win as a rookie, where he did so well that they company gave him a new iPod and a free sky dive.

Sweeney Todd saw us off to sleep, and before I knew it Kol and I were enjoying breakfast together and accidentally waking Parisa up with our guffaws. He was explaining the popular Jugger community to me-think Role Models-and I was laughing like a freakin' hyena and trying to prevent my cereal from coming out of my nose.

Parisa and I had the day together to relax and do whatever. We made it into a quaint coffee house by about noon, where we spent the next two hours coming up with the best novel ideas of the next century. OK maybe decade. OK maybe year. But still they are really good, and I only hope that I can find the motivation to follow through with them with her.

We walked along the Brisbane River all the way downtown, past tons of riverside restaurants and bars. If I were rich this is where I would have my hangups. It'd be a different restaurant for every meal, food from a different region every day. We wound our way through the crowd and sidewalks, through a gorgeous outdoor mall. Super busy on a Thursday night---apparently the recession is hardly noticeable in Brisbane. There is so much building going on that it would appear that they're in the middle of an exploding economy.

The City Cat water taxi along the Brisbane River dropped us off after a quick ride from downtown to Sydney Street. The evening found us watching Casablanca, and before I knew it, somehow Kolya had come home and cooked a delicious meal. I swear, P, you are the luckiest girl ever. He cooks, he cleans, he plans trips, he handles finances well, he works, he laughs...I know we're not discussing some pricey retail item, but, man. He does it all!

Henrietta, knitting extraordinaire, stopped by for a visit. Parisa gave me my first knitting lesson (Mamy tried to show me how to crochet a few years ago, but for some reason it didn't take hold--possibly because she yelled at me and said that I have 12 left thumbs) and I am completely hooked. We spent the evening watching Harry Potter (warming up for when we see the new one on Sunday night) and knitting...

We had the most deliciously lazy day yesterday. Full of knitting, napping, writing and watching Pride and Prejudice. Who new Colin Firth could be so hot? I really don't think many people are as good at being lazy as P and I. No changing, no showers, no nothing. Just pure unadulterated laziness. Woot. We did make a good dinner for Kolya...A good bolognese sauce with pasta and salad. The on-going battle between myself and Kolya as to who is the best houseguest/host continues...he never lets me do dishes or cook or pay for anything or ANYTHING. But I've already managed to one-up him as I cooked dinner AND cleared the table the other night. How pathetic is it of me to be so excited about that!

Today I'm alone at the apartment, on my way out to explore. Think I will take a run to the river and hunt down the park K was telling me about with the circuit-training equipment. I've been horrible about eating well since I've been here...cookies and ice cream and pasta...Think I'll have to work it off all over again when I get home. But that's what vacation's all about, right?

Will write again with some actually useful observations about Oz. I am sure that everything I encounter will be agreeable! As for now, I am completely thrilled with the trip so far. I need to get some red sparkly kitten heels and click them a few times to come back here whenever I can!

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