
On my way to Sea-Town

Woohoo!!!  How excited am I? It's my friend Michelle's birthday today, so I took the opportunity to use our close-together birthdays as an excuse to get out of town for a couple of days. Actually, five days. Which I shouldn't be counting so closely, but when you can get out of Reno, you gotta appreciate every second that you get. 

Plans are to spend many, many hours catching up with Mich and getting to know her friends and the life she's created up there. I'm so stoked to refresh our friendship after six months or so of not seeing one another. You all know I'm notoriously hideous at keeping up with phone calls, so I'm amazed she'll even still welcome me into her house!

My aunt, uncle and baby girl cousin are also coming in from the eastern part of the state to hang out for dinner and maybe a picnic. Can't wait to see them. Aunt Lisa is also so grounding, so affirming, so reassuring. I am so looking forward to that kind of energy right now. 

Hope also to get in a cup of coffee with Mr. Zammit, Brian's best friend and all-around wonderful guy. I wonder if he's playing at all this weekend, because that would be great to see him. It's been a long time since the Uncut/Malfoy days. 

Speaking of Malfoy, did everyone see the new HP trailer? I'm going to be in Oz when it comes out, so P, that's one thing we can tack up on our to-do list!

Sorry, most random rapid fire blog ever. Gotta do some quick shopping and pack before my afternoon flight. Have a great Memorial Day!

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